Update Four more rings have been added
4 Extra ring available numbers are GB09H08547, GB09H08548, GB09H08549 and GB09H08550
You can pay by paypal, preferred, the link is at the top of the page
Direct into the site bank account abbey bank account 24277880 sort code 090127
Or Cheques to
Duncan Reid
3 Cadham Crescent
and I will pay it into paypal, remember include your site name in any transaction
If you pay directly into bank account keep your receipt
GB09H08547, bobPaid
GB09H08548, ChickadieselPiad
GB09H08549, The boss Paid
GB09H08550, The bossPaid
GB09H08871, Maverick,
GB09H08872, Mavrick,
[color=red]GB09H08875, Rembrant2coo Paid
GB09H08876, Chickadiesel Paid
GB09H08877, Bob Paid
GB09H08878, Merlin Paid
GB09H08879, Merlin Paid
GB09H08880, goonerPaid
GB09H08881, catelae lofts paid
GB09H08882, Billy McKechnie Paid
[color=red]GB09H08885, Rose
GB09H08886, Rembrant2coo paid
GB09H08887, Rembrant2coo paid
GB09H08888, Webby Paid
GB09HO8889, ChickadieselPaid
GB09HO8890, Rose
GB09HO8891, catelae loftsPaid
[color=red]GB09H08896, catelae loftsPaid
[color=red]GBO9H08898, mike1957Paid
GB09H08899, Webby Paid
Last edited by Amar on Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:55 pm; edited 20 times in total