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 Welcome to the Pigeonbasics.net Forum We would like to welcome you to our pigeon site and invite you to register if you have not all ready registered. Being a registered member is important, as it gives you several advantages over the normal Guest status. After registering you will be able to read post use the chat board post messages and pictures, and access member-only portions of the forum. to Registration is quick and simple, and only takes about 2 minute.


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Exceptional Value for Money


The Benzing express G2 is the ideal electronic pigeon timing solution for all racing pigeon lofts and newcomers to the pigeon sport. High clocking speed of 20 pigeons per second and can clock 250 pigeons from 8 races.

Complete ETS Loft System

UK and Ireland fanciers only, for a limited period, until the 17th Jan 2010. We are offering the G2 clock + controller + 2 x antenna pads + cables for an:-

Yours in Sport
Jim Savage
Abbeyton Lofts
mobile: 07799 640 711
Racing Homing Pigeons


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